Derrick Pipelay Barge

showing a derrick barge available for sale


Derrick Pipelay Barge, 300 Men Accommodation, Heavy Lift,  Work Vessel.

Built to SPS 2008 and MODU codes.

Suitable for below Activities:

  • Accommodation Platform
  • Pipe Laying Activities
  • Offshore Construction and Hook-up Support
  • Shallow Draft Operations


Length: 113.83m

Breadth: 31.70m

Net/Gross 12641/3792

Tonnage: Depth: 7.30m (Scantling) 3.80m (Normal pipe laying Operating)

Class: ABS, Maltese Cross +A1 Barge + with descriptive notation TBA Unrestricted Services

Flag: Marshall Islands

Built: 2012


Winches: 8 x fast operating all electric winches

Capacity: 1500m of 60mm dia

Anchors: 8 x Flipper Delta, 10 tons

Line pull: 90 tons


7 x independently driven generating sets comprising:

5 x CAT KW

2 x CAT KW

1 x 150 KW

Total 4800 KW


Fresh Water: 1090m3 inc DB tanks 1200m3 excl. DB tanks

Fresh Water Makers: 2 x 100 tons RO type

Sea Water: 11,800m3

Fuel Oil: 1630m3

Clear Deck Space: Open 2100m2 abt+ Sheltered 410m2

Deck Strength: 15t/m2


300 Men comprising (310 beds)

31 x 4 berth cabins – deck 3

22 x 4 berth cabins – deck 4

15 x 4 berth cabins – deck 5

14 x 2 berth cabins – deck5

8 x 1 berth cabins – deck 5

2 x 1 berth cabins – deck 6

1x hospital/1x client eng. office / 1x client insp. office

11 further offices / 2×40 seat cinemas/conf. centres

2 x meeting rooms/ helicopter reception room


Available 1st qtr. 2015

Single Joint S Lay System

2 x 60 Ton pipe tensioners

4″ up to 60″ OD pipe

1 x A&R winch

Conveyor System

AUT & X-ray

6 x 50T constant Tension pipeline davits

Stinger Length of 120m

Complete SAS Pipelay System


Certified for Sikorski S61 in accordance

with MODU regulations


Vessel built to SPS2008 and MODU codes

4 x 150 Pax Lifeboats (2 x port, 2x stbd)

+ Life Rafts